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Welcome to WebPAJ!
In "Performance Management Tools For Good Measures", an article from the July 1, 2000 issue of Internet World, James Karney writes:

"Do you really know how well your web site is performing? The Internet is a harsh environment. From moment to moment, a variety of factors can slow load times to a crawl. Serious sites often have to handle traffic surges four to ten times their normal load flawlessly, or risk losing customers. Managing those kinds of load shifts demands a detailed knowledge of content, users, their interaction and everything in between."

It's no secret that sites and applications should be extensively tested before they go live and continually monitored after launch. There are several commercial products available that offer this service. However, these solutions are generic, bloated, and expensive. It doesn't make sense to pay someone a lot of money for a service that isn't specialized for your unique site/application, and therefore will fall short of expectations. This is the reason many web developers tend to favor in-house solutions.

There are several problems with developing in-house solutions. Companies have limited resources (time, programmers, etc.) to create an extensive load-testing program. In-house solutions have a tendency to re-invent the wheel (I can guarantee you're not the first person with the need to test a registration application). Web technologies are constantly changing and evolving, therefore a performance analysis tools must be capable of changing and evolving at the same speed, and in-house solutions generally solve the problem at hand with little or no regard to future use.

WebPAJ aims to offer the benefits and solve the current problems inherent with in-house solutions.

About WebPAJ
WebPAJ (pronounced 'web page') stands for Web Performance Analysis in Java. It is written in 100% Java and serves as a performance analysis tool for web servers. The program simulates multiple concurrent users and can be used to identify bottlenecking and capacity constraints on your web site and web applications. WebPAJ is an XML based Java application that implements a server process that synchronizes multiple client processes. This paradigm allows common users the ability to make signifigant simulations, without the limits of a single process.

Goals and Basic Development Criteria
With the collaboration of the Open Source Community, hopefully WebPAJ can grow to become the most powerful in-house performance analysis tool, capable of extensively testing and then producing detailed reports on every aspect of a Web site.

During growth WebPAJ should follow the below criteria:

  • consistent and portable across multiple operating systems.
  • capable of maintaining synchronized simulations on multiple machines
  • produce detailed reports
  • remain highly customizable
  • uphold compliance with open-standards

Current Features
  • text based (console)
  • configurable load test
  • can run in server mode or client mode
  • synchronizes a load test over multiple clients
  • simulates virtual users balanced over clients
  • runs test for determined amount of time
  • data calculated by each user, gets merged together and reported
  • reports contain detailed summaries of the test (see Reports for more details)
  • XML based configuration, reporting, build, etc.
To Do
  • lightweight client daemon separate from main program
  • Improved HTTP Client tests
  • Improved Reports
  • build tag configurations library for special tests
    • Paths
    • Regression
    • Interactive user (e.g. Form Fill)
  • Scripting environment (Possible tag)
  • GUI
  • a more sophisticated Distributed Object System
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